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Take (‘capture’) a delayed payment API reference

This page is part of GOV.UK Pay’s API reference and is an index of the following you’ll use when capturing a delayed payment:

  • parameters
  • example requests
  • example responses

You can also read more about setting up and creating delayed payments, as well as possible use cases for delaying payments, in our task-based guidance.

The URL for this endpoint is:


You can use this endpoint to take (‘capture’) a delayed payment from the paying user’s bank account.

The data from this endpoint is strongly consistent, meaning it is updated immediately after you make any changes. You can read more about data consistency in our API.

Path parameters for ‘Take a delayed payment’

Name Type Description
{PAYMENT_ID} (required) string The ID of the payment you’re capturing.

GOV.UK Pay associates a unique paymentId with a payment when you create that payment.

Example request for ‘Take a delayed payment’

This example request captures the delayed payment with the payment ID hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93:

curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer api_test_123abc456def"

You do not need to send anything in the body of requests to this endpoint.

Example response for ‘Take a delayed payment’

A successful payment capture returns a 204 HTTP status code without a response body.

You can read more about HTTP status codes and their meaning in the GOV.UK Pay API.