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Get information about a single payment API reference

This page is part of GOV.UK Pay’s API reference and is an index of the following you’ll use when getting information about a single payment:

  • parameters
  • example requests
  • example responses
  • attributes you’ll get in your response

You can also read more about the GOV.UK Pay reporting process in our task-based guidance.

The URL for this endpoint is:


You can use this endpoint to get details about a single payment you’ve previously created.

The data from this endpoint is strongly consistent, meaning it is updated immediately after you make any changes. You can read more about data consistency in our API.

Path parameters for ‘Get information about a single payment’

Name Type Description
{PAYMENT_ID} (required) string Returns the payment with the matching payment_id.

GOV.UK Pay associates a unique paymentId with a payment when you create that payment.

Example request for ‘Get information about a single payment’

This example request gets information about the payment with payment ID hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93:

curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer api_test_123abc456def"

Example response for ‘Get information about a single payment’

After you send your request to get information about a payment, you’ll receive a response similar to this example:

  "created_date": "2019-07-11T10:36:26.988Z",
  "amount": 3750,
  "state": {
    "status": "success",
    "finished": true
  "description": "Pay your council tax",
  "reference": "12345",
  "language": "en",
  "metadata": {
    "ledger_code": "AB100",
    "internal_reference_number": 200
  "email": "",
  "card_details": {
    "card_brand": "Visa",
    "card_type": "debit",
    "last_digits_card_number": "1234",
    "first_digits_card_number": "123456",
    "expiry_date": "04/24",
    "cardholder_name": "Sherlock Holmes",
    "billing_address": {
        "line1": "221 Baker Street",
        "line2": "Flat b",
        "postcode": "NW1 6XE",
        "city": "London",
        "country": "GB"
  "payment_id": "hu20sqlact5260q2nanm0q8u93",
  "authorisation_mode": "web",
  "authorisation_summary": {
    "three_d_secure": {
      "required": true
  "refund_summary": {
    "status": "available",
    "amount_available": 3500,
    "amount_submitted": 500
  "settlement_summary": {
    "capture_submit_time": "2019-07-12T17:15:000Z",
    "captured_date": "2019-07-12",
    "settled_date": "2019-07-12"
  "delayed_capture": false,
  "moto": false,
  "corporate_card_surcharge": 250,
  "total_amount": 4000,
  "fee": 200,
  "net_amount": 3800,
  "payment_provider": "worldpay",
  "provider_id": "10987654321",
  "return_url": "",
  "_links": {
     "self": {
         "href": "",
         "method": "GET"
     "events": {
         "href": "",
         "method": "GET"
     "refunds": {
         "href": "",
         "method": "GET"

Attributes you’ll get in a ‘Get information about a single payment’ response

Name Type Description
amount number The amount in pence the user has paid or will pay.
description string The description assigned to the payment when it was created.
reference string The reference associated with the payment when it was created.

reference is not unique - multiple payments can have the same reference value.
language string The language of the user’s payment page.

Possible values are:

  • en (English)
  • cy (Welsh)
  • metadata object Contains any custom metadata you added to the payment when it was created.

    You can read more about adding custom metadata to payments.
    state object Contains information about where the payment is in its journey.

    You can read more about the payment status lifecycle.
    state.status string Where the payment is in the payment status lifecycle.

    Possible values are:

  • created
  • started
  • submitted
  • capturable
  • success
  • failed
  • cancelled
  • error

  • You can read more about the meanings of each payment status.
    state.finished boolean Indicates whether a payment journey is finished.

    A finished payment journey does not always mean the user has made a payment.
    state.message string A description of what went wrong with this payment.

    message only appears if the payment failed.
    state.code string An API error code that explains why the payment failed.

    code only appears if the payment failed.
    state.can_retry boolean Indicates whether you can try to take another payment using the associated agreement for recurring payments.

    If can_retry is true, you can use this agreement to try to take another recurring payment.

    If can_retry is false, you cannot take another recurring payment with this agreement.

    can_retry only appears on failed payments that were attempted using an agreement for recurring payments.

    You can read more about handling failed recurring payments.
    payment_id string The unique ID GOV.UK Pay automatically associated with this payment when you created it.
    payment_provider string The payment service provider that processed this payment.
    created_date date (ISO 8601) The date and time you created this payment.

    This value uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
    agreement_id string The unique ID of the agreement for recurring payments that GOV.UK Pay used to take this payment.

    agreement_id only appears if authorisation_mode is agreement.
    refund_summary object Contains information about refunds on this payment, such as refund availability.

    You can read more about refunding payments.
    refund_summary.status string Whether you can refund the payment.

    Possible values are:

  • pending
  • unavailable
  • available
  • full

  • You can read about the meanings of each refund status value.
    refund_summary.amount_available number How much you can refund to the user, in pence.

    amount_available includes any transaction fees and corporate card fees.
    refund_summary.amount_submitted number How much you’ve already refunded to the user, in pence.
    settlement_summary object Contains information about when this payment was settled.

    A payment is settled when your payment service provider transfers it to your bank account.
    settlement_summary.capture_submit_time date (ISO 8601) The date and time GOV.UK Pay asked your payment service provider to take the payment from your user’s account.

    This value uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

    capture_submit_time only appears if GOV.UK Pay has asked your payment service provider to take the payment.
    settlement_summary.captured_date date (ISO 8601) The date your payment service provider took the payment from your user.

    This value will appear in ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DD.

    captured_date only appears if your payment service provider has taken the payment.
    settlement_summary.settled_date date (ISO 8601) The date your payment service provider sent the payment to your bank account as part of a payout.

    This value will appear in ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DD.

    settled_date only appears if your payment service provider is Stripe and they have sent the payment to your bank account.
    card_details object Contains details about the card the user paid with.

    If your user paid with a digital wallet, some information in card_details may not match your user’s physical card. This is because of how Apple Pay and Google Pay handle cardholder information.

    card_details does not appear if the paying user has not completed this payment.
    card_details.last_digits_card_number number The last 4 digits of the card the user paid with.
    card_details.first_digits_card_number number The first 6 digits of the card the user paid with.
    card_details.cardholder_name string The cardholder name the user entered when they paid.
    card_details.expiry_date string The expiry date of the card the user paid with.
    card_details.billing_address object Contains the billing address the paying user entered when they paid.

    billing_address can contain:

  • line1 (the first line of the paying user’s address)
  • line2 (the second line of the paying user’s address)
  • postcode (the paying user’s postcode)
  • city (the paying user’s city)
  • country (the paying user’s country, displayed as a 2-character ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 code)
  • card_details.card_brand string The brand of card the user paid with.

    Possible card_brand values are:

  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Discover
  • Jcb
  • Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • Union Pay
  • Visa
  • card_details.card_type string The type of card the user paid with.

    Possible values:

  • credit
  • debit
  • null

  • null means your user paid with Google Pay or we did not recognise the type of card they paid with.
    card_details.wallet_type string The digital wallet the user paid with.

    Possible values are:

  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay

    wallet_type only appears if the user paid with a digital wallet. You can read more about taking digital wallet payments.
  • exemption objects Contains information about Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) exemption requests.

    Currently, exemption only returns information about corporate card exemptions for GOV.UK Pay services using Worldpay.

    exemption only appears if GOV.UK Pay requested an exemption on your behalf.

    GOV.UK Pay may update exemption to appear for more SCA exemption types and PSPs. The Financial Conduct Authority has more information about different types of SCA exemption.
    exemption.requested boolean Indicates whether GOV.UK Pay requested an SCA exemption for this payment.
    exemption.type string The type of SCA exemption GOV.UK Pay requested for this payment.

    Currently, the only available type value is corporate.

    GOV.UK Pay may add more type values in the future.
    exemption.outcome object Contains information about the outcome of the SCA exemption request.
    exemption.outcome.result string The result of the exemption request.

    Possible result values are:
  • honoured
  • rejected
  • out of scope

    You can read more about the meanings of each exemption result value.
  • delayed_capture boolean delayed_capture is true if you’re controlling how long it takes GOV.UK Pay to take (‘capture’) a payment.

    You can read more about delaying taking a payment.
    moto boolean Indicates if this payment is a Mail Order / Telephone Order (MOTO) payment.

    You can read more about taking payments over the phone.
    corporate_card_surcharge number The corporate card surcharge amount in pence.

    You can read more about setting up corporate card fees.
    total_amount number Amount your user paid in pence, including corporate card fees.

    total_amount only appears if you added a corporate card surcharge to the payment.

    You can read more about corporate card surcharges.
    fee number The payment service provider’s (PSP) transaction fee, in pence.

    fee only appears when we have taken (‘captured’) the payment from the user or if their payment fails after they submitted their card details.

    fee will not appear if your PSP is Worldpay or you are using an API key from a test service.

    You can read more about PSP fees.
    net_amount number The amount, in pence, that will be paid into your bank account after your payment service provider takes the fee.

    net_amount can be a negative number if Stripe charges fees on a failed payment.

    You can read more about PSP fees.
    provider_id string The unique ID your payment service provider generated for this payment.

    provider_id only appears after the user has submitted their payment details and GOV.UK Pay has tried to authorise the payment with your PSP.

    This is not the same as the payment_id.
    return_url string The URL you directed the paying user to after their payment journey on GOV.UK Pay ended.

    You can read more about choosing your return URL and matching the paying user to a payment.
    authorisation_mode string How GOV.UK Pay will authorise this payment.

    Possible values are:

  • web
  • moto_api
  • agreement

    authorisation_mode is set when you create a payment. You can read more about the different authorisation modes in our API reference page for creating payments.
  • authorisation_summary object Contains information about 3D Secure (3DS) authentication.

    authorisation_summary only appears if the payment was authenticated with 3DS and the payment was created on or after 1 September 2021.
    authorisation_summary.three_d_secure object Contains information about the 3D Secure authentication on this payment.
    authorisation_summary.three_d_secure.required boolean Indicates if this payment was authorised with 3D Secure authentication.

    required is true if the payment required 3D Secure authentication.
    _links object Contains URLs and methods for actions related to this payment.
    _links.self object Contains an API method and URL to get information about this payment.

    A GET request (method) to this URL (href) returns information about this payment.

    You can read more about getting information about a single payment. object Contains an API method and endpoint to get this payment’s events.

    A GET request (method) to this endpoint (href) returns information about this payment’s events.

    You can read more about getting a payment’s events.
    _links.refunds object Contains an API method and endpoint to get refund information about this payment.

    A GET request (method) to this endpoint (href) returns refund information for this payment.

    You can read more about refunding payments.